10L pot approx. 1.5m - 1.8m
22L pot approx. 1.5 - 2.5m tall
Japanese maples are stunning deciduous trees with brightly coloured leaves throughout Spring, Summer, and Autumn. They prefer partial shade, in sites that are sheltered from the wind and have free-draining soil. A great addition to any garden, big or small!
Planting and care instructions:
1, If possible pick a sheltered spot with good drainage.
2, Dig a hole the size of your bag vertically and twice the width.
3, Place the tree inside the bag in the hole.
4, Loosely fill the hole with loamy soil or potting mix.
5, Use a sharp knife to carefully remove the bag - try not to disturb the newly forming roots much.
6, Stake your tree securely (this allows the new roots to establish).
7, Prune up to one third of the branch length to promote strong fresh growth.
Care for your tree:
Do not over water - Damp is fine.
Feed each year with acidic fertiliser.
Carefully prune, removing any dead branch ends.